Framework to Advance Oral Health Equity in Colorado

The Framework to Advance Oral Health Equity in Colorado (“Framework”) is a document that outlines key themes of the current state of oral health, and a set of draft goals and strategies to achieve a shared vision to eliminate oral health inequities in Colorado. Community organizations and representatives, the oral health network, multi-sector contributors, and state and local government provided input into the Framework, which is intended to guide collective and individual organizational activities of those who impact oral health in Colorado to achieve this shared vision. This Framework is the resulting document of the initial phases of oral health strategic planning and the community and partner engagement process led by CDPHE in 2021-2022. Read the Framework and the companion piece, “Oral Health in Colorado by the Numbers”

Read the Framework to Advance Oral Health Equity in Colorado

Learn about the goals and strategies that are intended to guide collective and individual organizational activities of the oral health network to achieve this shared vision.

A group of people around a table

Stay Engaged With Roundtable Discussions!

Your input in this next phase of strategic planning is crucial. CDPHE is inviting the oral health network as well as organizations and individuals who didn’t have the availability to participate in the first phase of development to a series of roundtable discussions. We hope you can make time in July or August to join a virtual Roundtable discussion. For more information and to sign up for the round table discussions, please click here

Collective Efforts

gradient accent Framework Planning Process

The OHU, plan consultants, and the Plan Design Team (including members and representatives from Colorado communities) worked together to create a process where they engaged with the community and partners. This process helped develop oral health strategies and gain a better understanding of how people in Colorado experience things that affect their oral health. Those who participated in this process also identified community strengths that can help improve health behaviors and outcomes. This engagement process fed into the larger efforts to create goals and strategies around oral health equity in Colorado. The upcoming document outlining the full process will be linked on this page.

Woman smiling at community gathering

gradient accent Community and Partner Engagement Report

Informed by a mixed-methods research approach, data were collected through focus groups with community members, interviews with representatives of state agencies and partner organizations, and a survey administered to members of the Colorado oral health network.

A woman and two kids sitting in the grass

gradient accent Early Childhood Oral Health Roadmap

After the Framework’s planning process, Early Milestone’s Colorado convened partners to set goals and strategies to achieve the objective that young children and pregnant people in Colorado, particularly from communities of color, will experience better oral health outcomes, greater understanding of oral health, and increased access to preventive services.