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Cavity Free at Three

The new Cavity Free at Three website!  Cavity Free at Three improves the oral health of Colorado’s children and pregnant people by improving access to preventive oral health services. The integrated care program teaches medical clinicians how to incorporate oral health screenings, fluoride varnish application, and patient goal setting into prenatal and well child visits. It also offers training for dental professionals on the current recommendations for preventive services. Cavity Free at Three is recognized as an evidence-driven program housed at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE).

How do I become involved?

You can learn more about Cavity Free at Three and find resources below or in our resource library.  And use our contact us form to request a Cavity Free at Three training!

Dr. Patty Braun

Seventy percent of the children I see in my practice have poor oral health. Half of them already have cavities by the time they are three. These are the kids that are at risk of a lifetime of dental problems. As a pediatrician, I can’t ignore my patient’s oral health anymore

Image of dental tools

We know treating pregnant women is safe and results in immediate health benefits to the mother and her baby. We also know by taking care of the mother we will greatly improve the oral health of the child.

Group of children having packed lunches

Mission gradient accent

Cavity Free at Three trains medical and dental professionals to provide preventive, oral health services for young children and people who are pregnant to decrease dental disease and reduce oral health disparities among high-risk populations.

dental integration

Vision gradient accent

Our Vision is to improve the oral health of all Colorado children.

Infants and Toddlers: gradient accent

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends all children visit the dentist by age one, begin fluoride varnish application at the eruption of the first tooth, apply four or more fluoride varnishes to children by age three, and assess risk according to the AAP Bright Futures Schedule.

A person holding their pregnant belly

Pregnant Patients: gradient accent

The ADA states that dental care is safe at any time during pregnancy, including x-rays and local anesthetics. It is important to treat dental problems during pregnancy and to educate pregnant patients about keeping baby’s teeth healthy. Parents with cavities are more likely to have children with cavities.


Implement CF3

gradient accent Create Buy-In

Getting buy-in from all members of your medical or dental clinic is an important step to be successful when implementing the Cavity Free at Three model. Learn more about how to discuss CF3 with your clinic below.

gradient accent Frequently Asked Implementation Questions

Learn more about Cavity Free at Three and what is necessary from clinics and organizations during implementation by clicking the button below.

Woman in medical office on the phone

gradient accent Cavity Free at Three Training for Medical Professionals

Cavity Free at Three offers training for medical professionals. This training includes an integrated care model and teaches medical professionals how to incorporate oral health screenings, fluoride varnish application, and patient goal setting into prenatal and well-child visits.

A doctor examines and infant
Cheerful mid adult female healthcare professional uses an otoscope while examining baby girl. The girl’s mother is holding the baby.

gradient accent Cavity Free at Three Training for Dental Professionals

Cavity Free at Three offers training for dental professionals. This training focuses on current care recommendations for infants, toddlers, and pregnant patients, and the best practices for administering the Cavity Free at Three six essential services using foundations of motivational interviewing and the CF3 person-centered concepts.

gradient accent Order Supplies

At your training, Cavity Free at Three provides a start-up supply of Infant Oral Health Kits produced by Bayaud Enterprises, which includes fluoride varnish. Click the link below to learn more about these kits and how to order directly from Bayaud, or order fluoride varnish from a list of manufacturers.