University of Colorado School of Dental Medicine
The Colorado School of Dental Medicine is an integral partner in oral health workforce development and diversification efforts in Colorado.
Workforce Development and Diversification Efforts in Colorado
Available training and webinars may have continuing education available.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Primary Care Office offers loan repayment options for oral health clinicians.
Colorado Community Health Network represents Colorado’s 20 Community Health Centers and strives to increase access to high quality health care for people in need throughout Colorado.
The Oral Health Unit provides funding to four rural local public health agencies to support a Regional Oral Health Specialist (ROHS) to plan and implement oral public health initiatives in their region. The initiatives the ROHS support and implement include school-based sealant programs, water fluoridation, coalition building, Cavity Free at Three trainings, and other oral health access programs and evidence-based oral health and chronic disease prevention initiatives tailored to their community needs. The ROHS coverage includes approximately 20 rural counties representing some of Colorado’s most underserved populations.
The Colorado School of Dental Medicine is an integral partner in oral health workforce development and diversification efforts in Colorado.
The Colorado Dental Association offers a number of resources to new and established dentists in the state.
The Colorado Dental Hygienists’ Association webpage includes continuing education events, career opportunities, a list of available dental hygiene programs in the state and more.